Friday, March 20, 2009


Still R-O-C-K-S!!! Check it out -

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's!

Valentine's Day. Good or bad - it's here this year directly after Friday the 13th.

It's my belief that if you're single in autumn - you should NOT get back on the dating wagon from October's Sweetest Day (by the way, what kind of bullshit holiday is that?) to February's Valentines. That got you past the holidays and you would avoid the pressure of either expecting something from any new beau (even one you only went out with once) or wondering if you should buy something for whomever you happened to be dating.

It makes me sad now when I see the Valentines produced for the young 'uns. They are all based on TV shows or other generic product nonsense. Some might be funny - but they aren't the same as the now seemingly antique ones that had sentiment without corporate brand promotion.

Ahhh - I am dating myself. No pun intended.

If you have a special someone - do something thoughtful. And have a good night ;)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Rainy Day LA

And a pretty cold one too. Hail sprinkled our porch while gusty winds howled and blew the tarp off a huge bldg lying in wait to be finished when the economy changes. Too bad they didn't realize it sooner and never started - then we still coulda had an uninterrupted mountain view. I knew things had stopped when "La Cucaracha" didn't play three times a day outside my house - that's the announcement when the Mexican taco truck swings by. It moved on to a condo a couple of streets over.

I have to say - that in our neighborhood - the food comes to you: a myriad of taco trucks (the Korean one with bulgogi is all the range on twitter now - hundreds of people show up!), I had the BEST chicken quesadilla ever at the fancy one with seats and track lighting outside the subway stop at Vermont/Wilshire - nothin' like it after a couple of drinks! And there are men pushing ice cream carts who ring a little bell to let you know they are passing by (I think I wrote about this already :) AND women who make bacon-covered hot dogs by bus stops. It's a sin that something that smells soooooooo good is sooooooooooooooooooooo bad for you! And then there's all the produce they sell on the sidewalk - although that can be hit or miss. Same with the candy/produce trucks that move from street to street.

Still, pretty cool. When you're hung over or feeling lazy or wanting an ice cream on a hot day - just wish and it will arrive... Ah - if only my script sale were that easy.

Friday, February 6, 2009


A friend of mine - who sometimes freelances as a Dominatrix - has a provocative blog on the Beauty and the Dirt web site. Read it, it you dare ;)

Friday, January 23, 2009

BLACK DYNAMITE RED BAND TRAILER! Boobs! Kung-Fu! Street Smack Talk!

This is hilarious! A 70's style blaxsploitation drama/comedy/kung-fu/street/corruption/revenge/ sex stud movie feast!

And hooray for red band trailers (don't watch around the young 'uns)!

Vimeo vs. YouTube

I just learned today that Vimeo is the new YouTube.

So like Friendster was replaced by MySpace was replaced by Facebook - will everyone shift? Or is YouTube's hold too strong?! Stay tuned.

And enjoy this video sent by my friend Aaron. It's super cool!

Bubblicious from Rex The Dog on Vimeo.

Friday, January 16, 2009

HILARIOUS Journey Remake - Frame for Frame with Wigs!

This has been on youtube for months, but I just noticed when Bruce posted it on Facebook.

Super funny! Makes you miss the 80's and the art school + theatrics + overwrought drama videos had back then.

Note - the Steve Perry guy looks more like Josh Homme of "Queens of the Stone Age" than Perry, but the crunched mullet wig is priceless as is "The Flock of Seagulls" hair on the chick going her "Separate Ways" in white pumps and a tight skirt.

Rock Star/Rapper Extravagace Extravaganza

Funny article on the often ridiculous extravagances of rock stars and rappers.

David Lee Roth's purchase of paternity insurance 'cause of all his fooling around, however, was a wise choice. I'm surprised they insured him!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Obama the Rock Star

Wow. I've never seen anything like it. T-shirts, commemerative printing plates, lotteries to win tickets to the event, buttons, posters, parties, parades, people inviting strangers into their houses (via Obama's web site) to celebrate the inauguration.

It is definitely THEE rock event of the season.

Idealism floats in the air despite the economic crisis, people gush about change and have faith that it will happen. It's pretty incredible.

So president Obama (let's face it, Bush is the lamest of lame ducks) you have got A LOT to live up to and the country is counting on you. Here's hoping true change comes in the stodgy and corrupt and self serving political halls of power. I am a doubter, but I want to believe...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

2009 so far...

Has been super non-productive. Like I've been sick and spent black holes of time on the internet studying Chinese medicine and mung bean soup recipes. Our apartment is starting to smell like my childhood neighbor Mr. Linke's house - he drove a VW bug and believed in healthy food and supplements in the 70's. I'll always remember his glass eye and that funky nutrious yeasty smell when you walked in his house. Memories last, but memories with scents last even longer. Mr. Linke was definitely ahead of his time. But, alas, I digress...

Now I have PLENTY of stories I want to tell - of the holidays (especially AJ and Alison's teacher stories, but I could never tell them as well as they do, oh yeah, and my brother's Tivo list - let's just say it's "gynormous"), the crazy girl in all Bebe clothing from my real estate classes who wore a beaded harem sheer scarf over her face to take the state exam (she's Hispanic, not Indian) was a story I meant to tell months ago and I still have roommate stories to finish for a friend of mine, but alas, I am a complete slug.

However, I am not slower than the LA Metro subway building. I lobbied amongst friends to pass Measure R and they can't even get it two stops to La Cienega until 2019! And some work won't be done until 2032 - I'll be a certifiable senior citizen by then! Other cities do it in one decade, not three. Ridiculous!

So I hope my 2009 productivity is in like a sloth and out like a panther!

Monday, January 5, 2009


Didn't make any resolutions this year, because I usually break them (especially the annual "eat a little less cheese" one). BUT maybe that means I'll actually accomplish a few. Like writing more religiously on my blog.

Got some pictures to share - (not babies or cheesy holiday couple shots, don't worry ;) those'll be up soon!