Friday, July 25, 2008

Toonces Without A Cause

Remember Toonces - the awesome driving cat on SNL?

I was thinking about things I miss - and Toonces and Mr Bill are two of them. Why - to be honest - I can't totally articulate. But they're funny and memorable - they just are...

So sit back and relive the 80's as Toonces becomes a greaser Rebel and shows the other hoodlum wanna-be's how to go over the edge with a BANG - BOOM - BANG - CRASH!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Plumbers Rock (and wield a lean, mean steel auger too)!

Having both toilets and the hot water in our shower going out 6 wks after moving into "our new, first home" was brutal! Especially since our first plumber basically told me that there was "no hope" for our master toilet. He put the fear of God in me that our buildings pipes were so rusty that the master toilet was out of business until our entire condo bldg was repiped.

In retrospect, the dude was probably just tired from fixing one toilet and the shower and the last toilet (especially for the meager $55 Home Warranty Fee) put him over the edge.

Still, what he did was soooooo wrong. All I could do was obsess about the toilet and wonder what dire straits we'd be in if the other one went down again. I'd talk about it at dinner until my boyfriend would make me stop. I even had nightmares about it (for real). The tired plumber took advantage of my ignorance about plumbing. My friend Bruce thought the story was fishy since the water was still filling up, it just wouldn't go down. But he's in Mississippi right now, so he couldn't check it out himself.

Three plumbers and a long auger later - the true culprit was found.

A torn off, ripped apart fiber mop head. A dual plumbing team pulled it out - one of 'em said - "I'm sorry to tell you ma'am, but you have got tree roots in your pipes." It seemed kinda weird since I'm on the third floor, but again - what do I know? His partner said, "Huh-uh, no" and, on closer look, we realized it was a mop.

So either an angry cleaning lady or the dude being foreclosed on before us must've done that number on the commode.

Giddy that it was finally fixed, I thanked the plumbers endlessly, gushing that they were "MY SAVIORS." Not sure how to react they just said, "You are welcome, nice lady" and backed out the door.

I am now going to purchase an auger of my very own. Who doesn't want a new, long and strong tool. (Sorry, that one was too easy to resist).

So forget rock stars, good plumbers are the ones who really rock!