Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fresh REEKS!


Monday, January 21, 2008

When did "fresh" get so stale?!  I'm puttin' a quarter in the rotten jar every time I hear someone describe something as "fresh." 

And I'm spendin' my rotten $ on old standbys like cheap French Cote du Rhone that still leaves you hang-over free (unless you drink the whole bottle) along with a Chronic contact high at Troyer's followed by a nice greasy thick piece of Palermo's Pizza Rosa and some greenbean casserole - just like mom made it!  A decadent combination of canned green beans, those french fried pringly onion things and grayer than gray mushroom soup.  Is it fresh?  Of course not! But it is tasty.
What tasty non-fresh things would you spend your rotten $ on?  Comment in the comment section and I'll try your suggestions out!