Friday, February 29, 2008

Alone In Your Room

Remember when you were a kid and you gave it your all, belting out a tune in your room or the bathroom or even the closet. You not only sang it, you felt it. Deeply.

I still remember Jennifer and I "bustin' a move" to Billy Squier's STROKE ME (yes, this will date me ;) in her bedroom adorned with Tiger Beat photos of Michael Jackson. Did we know what Billy meant?! No! But that didn't matter, we thought we did!

And on that note - watch this and relive the moment!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Nick's Coronet Pub Closed

Bummer :( Just heard from a former bartender who is now at THIRD STOP. Another greedy landlord jacking up the rent kicked out a perfectly good tenant.

A moment of silence please for a former beacon beckoning regular Joe guests in the over-hyped and over-priced smoggy LA night. A laid-back bar with no attitude where you could actually converse with your friends over cheap beer and doritos. You will be missed.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Rural Women Have Healthier Breasts Than City Girls

While blogging myself on google (to see if my site came up), I stumbled upon this:

Hmmm... since I spent my formative years in rural/village settings when my breasts were ripening - hopefully this still refers to me!

Down with the Flu

Second time already this year! Ridiculous! These horrible things going around are virulent and long-lasting, so stay healthy! In the mean time, I am learning how to post YouTube videos on this blog. You might've already seen these, but if not - enjoy!


JIMMY KIMMEL F$%&ing BEN AFFLECK (this one's a celebrity studded event):

There's one of SETH ROGEN F&^%ing ELIZABETH BANKS now too, but I thought you might need some rest! If not, look it up on YOU TUBE or DEFAMER!