Friday, August 22, 2008

90's Flashback

Isn't it amazing how a song can bring you back to the past? Just like that.

Long forgotten feelings (and lyrics) resurface and suddenly you're 16 again. Cheated on by your boyfriend and driving around town in your 8-cylinder Chevy Malibu screaming along to your cassette stereo which blares Bon Jovi's "You Give Love A Bad Name."

It's the closest thing to time travel we have.

Some times when I hear certain songs/voices I even have an olfactory memory. Smells come back to me. Yeah, I'm weird that way. One of my ex's once said to me that "it was nice to smell me again" after we hadn't seen each other for a month or so (I was in Chicago while he finished college in Ohio). I still think that's romantic in a very visceral way.

But I digress...

Downtown LA's Pershing Square had these fantastic free concerts this summer and on Wednesday night we saw The Gin Blossoms. I have no idea what happened to them after their top selling album - New Miserable Experience - with all kinds of hits - "Alison Road," "Found Out About You," "Until I Fall Away" and the big one ""Hey, Jealousy!"

The singer's voice is just as melodic and unique and emotive as always. It took us all back and we realized we knew all the words to every song! Even though we had that CD (upgraded from cassette) stashed away for over a decade. Holy shit!

And on that note - here's "Hey Jealousy" - bet you know all the words still too ;)

Oops - YouTube's disabled all the embedding for the Gin Blossoms videos so go to youtube and look 'em up - you won't regret it!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Ladies of the World Listen Now! Flight of the Conchords are Singin' and Skatin' in Venice Beach - Just for You!

This blog is dedicated to Miss Safi - a roller skating queen who has yet to find a place in LA as cool to skate as Central Park in NYC! She first discovered the amazing dance party scene there while studying on the lawn for her mortuary school classes. How awesome is that?!

I went with her one wknd and will always remember the tall and slender, slow motion roller-skating male dancer and the woman in her late 50's who still has the moves of a Solid Gold dancer - only on roller skates!

The outfits/personas created by the skaters can't be beat! Forget Vegas - slap on some roller skates and you can be anyone you want to be there! You just have to believe (and learn how to skate without falling on your ass!).

The Flight of the Conchords are doin' their best to capture the NYC magic on Venice Beach as they pay homage to ladies of the world. They need to start a roller skating night at Moonlight Rollerway in Glendale or World on Wheels!

Let's start a petition and hand it off to Bret next time he's showin' off his moves at Moonlight Rollerway ;)

Nosy Nelly Trains For Open House!!

Nosy Nelly puts those Olympic athletes to shame as she prepares for open house day!!