Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Volunteer Angst!

Tried to volunteer to help on a political campaign and was highly irritated!

My offer to go to Nevada for a wknd and pay my own gas/room wasn't enough - they wanted more wknds. And I was to come in to make cold calls to other states. When I told them that my Ohio relatives still had election fatigue from 4 years ago and HATED those calls then and now - I was poo-poo'd and told that polls show the calls are effective and that I might have to do what they thought was best as opposed to what I thought was best.

I'm a volunteer - for God's sake! A volunteer. If you are going to condescend to me at least write me a paycheck.

Did It Again!

Ruined another shirt cleaning! Geez! And all I did was spray the kitchen counters in anticipation of our new dog Harvey!

The lesson is - limit your cleaning, it ruins clothes ;)