Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Always Beautiful - But Wanting Some Ugly Soon

Yeah, I'm lame on the blogging.  I know.  Been mired in real estate hell trying to buy a foreclosure - some day I'll tell jokes about it and our lame escrow officer at INational in La Jolla who whoops it up and flirts with the UPS guy while keeping me on hold for 3 minutes+ when our escrow is already 2 weeks late in opening.  

Kinda reminds me of Jennifer Coolidge's crush on the UPS guy in LEGALLY BLONDE.  Guess those guys doing the heavy lifting in brown shorts trump all!  Take that - Fed Ex!

And speaking of movies, I am reading a stack of scripts and I gotta say this - once, just once - I'd like to read about a woman described as "in her late 40's and horribly, horribly ugly.  No poise. No class.  She just is.  And you know what, you respect her for that."

Women in scripts are 30 years old or less and are always "beautiful" or "striking" (unless they are a mother or aunt or gum snapping detective or hooker who "was once beautiful.").  Today the woman I am reading about is: "Beautiful despite the large surgical dressing that covers her face and the bruises that cover the other half."  Man, she must be a mega looker if she's still a hottie under all that.

Anyhow - promise to write more soon.  If you have any foreclosure questions - feel free to ask!!!