Friday, January 16, 2009

HILARIOUS Journey Remake - Frame for Frame with Wigs!

This has been on youtube for months, but I just noticed when Bruce posted it on Facebook.

Super funny! Makes you miss the 80's and the art school + theatrics + overwrought drama videos had back then.

Note - the Steve Perry guy looks more like Josh Homme of "Queens of the Stone Age" than Perry, but the crunched mullet wig is priceless as is "The Flock of Seagulls" hair on the chick going her "Separate Ways" in white pumps and a tight skirt.

Rock Star/Rapper Extravagace Extravaganza

Funny article on the often ridiculous extravagances of rock stars and rappers.

David Lee Roth's purchase of paternity insurance 'cause of all his fooling around, however, was a wise choice. I'm surprised they insured him!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Obama the Rock Star

Wow. I've never seen anything like it. T-shirts, commemerative printing plates, lotteries to win tickets to the event, buttons, posters, parties, parades, people inviting strangers into their houses (via Obama's web site) to celebrate the inauguration.

It is definitely THEE rock event of the season.

Idealism floats in the air despite the economic crisis, people gush about change and have faith that it will happen. It's pretty incredible.

So president Obama (let's face it, Bush is the lamest of lame ducks) you have got A LOT to live up to and the country is counting on you. Here's hoping true change comes in the stodgy and corrupt and self serving political halls of power. I am a doubter, but I want to believe...