Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Walks With Harvey

Things spotted this week:

An older Asian woman softly hitting her butt against a palm tree while a younger Asian woman opened her arms up and out to a palm tree right next to it.
What's with all the tree stuff? Does this have to do with chi? If you know, let me know.

A Hispanic man sleeping face down on the ground in front of a psychic/palm reading house on 6th street/Wilton.

The bed of a pick-up truck jam packed with old televisions - some were huge, just no plasmas.

An African-American dude pulling out of a pkng lot with the rap music turned up BOOMING LOUD. The rap lost its tough effect as it was booming out of a Mini-Cooper. Not so gangsta.

One flute practice and two piano practices.

A bunch of Hispanic kids at a ballooned birthday party. They shouted "puppy, puppy" and walked with gleaming eyes towards Harvey. Unfortunately, I am still teaching Harve how to react to kids (he gets lungy, playful bitey) so I had to lead him off to the children's dismay.

The pooch down the block leaning out of the second floor window. I'll post the picture next time. He's a calm dude perched up there, takin' it all in.

Two Asian woman looking like beekeepers as they wore ultra long visors with material draped around it and their faces. You could only see glimpses of their eyes if you approached them straight on.

An older man walking with a cane up a Griffith Park trail to the observatory. It was super hot and I was ready to turn around when I saw him. Realized I needed to get it in gear and persevere!