Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Paradise in Portland!

Make no mistake about it - McMenamin's Edgefield is pure utopia! This former poor farm/inmate labor/nursing home is self-contained paradise.

Thank you FDR for helping this happen! The bones of this place wouldn't have been built without your belief in people helping others. Alas - sooner or later - no one wanted to help the insane and infirm and would rather have them wander the streets.

The stately institutional buildings almost hit the wrecking ball when Northwest pub maestros - the McMenamin bros - rescued and renovated the 74 acre grounds.

An on-site brewery, winery, distillery, concert grounds, par 3 golf course (that goes right through the concert grounds), a beautiful soaking pool, comfy robes you wear around the grounds, multiple little bars (that used to house laundry rooms, the morgue, potato processing plant, etc.), big porches (where you drink your beer in your robe), painted doors showcasing the former inhabitants, views of mountains and lush green grounds teeming with flowers, blackberries, pear and apple trees, (I ate handfuls of blackberries before I saw the signs where the berry fairy asked you not to), etc.

After I finish this Hammerhead amber ale microbrew made on site, my beau and I are going to check out a musician at the winery. A Nosy Nelly video will most likely come soon (unless I am too caught up in my microbrews to coherently make a piece). In the meantime - check out the link to this paradise on earth...