Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's!

Valentine's Day. Good or bad - it's here this year directly after Friday the 13th.

It's my belief that if you're single in autumn - you should NOT get back on the dating wagon from October's Sweetest Day (by the way, what kind of bullshit holiday is that?) to February's Valentines. That got you past the holidays and you would avoid the pressure of either expecting something from any new beau (even one you only went out with once) or wondering if you should buy something for whomever you happened to be dating.

It makes me sad now when I see the Valentines produced for the young 'uns. They are all based on TV shows or other generic product nonsense. Some might be funny - but they aren't the same as the now seemingly antique ones that had sentiment without corporate brand promotion.

Ahhh - I am dating myself. No pun intended.

If you have a special someone - do something thoughtful. And have a good night ;)

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