Monday, February 9, 2009

Rainy Day LA

And a pretty cold one too. Hail sprinkled our porch while gusty winds howled and blew the tarp off a huge bldg lying in wait to be finished when the economy changes. Too bad they didn't realize it sooner and never started - then we still coulda had an uninterrupted mountain view. I knew things had stopped when "La Cucaracha" didn't play three times a day outside my house - that's the announcement when the Mexican taco truck swings by. It moved on to a condo a couple of streets over.

I have to say - that in our neighborhood - the food comes to you: a myriad of taco trucks (the Korean one with bulgogi is all the range on twitter now - hundreds of people show up!), I had the BEST chicken quesadilla ever at the fancy one with seats and track lighting outside the subway stop at Vermont/Wilshire - nothin' like it after a couple of drinks! And there are men pushing ice cream carts who ring a little bell to let you know they are passing by (I think I wrote about this already :) AND women who make bacon-covered hot dogs by bus stops. It's a sin that something that smells soooooooo good is sooooooooooooooooooooo bad for you! And then there's all the produce they sell on the sidewalk - although that can be hit or miss. Same with the candy/produce trucks that move from street to street.

Still, pretty cool. When you're hung over or feeling lazy or wanting an ice cream on a hot day - just wish and it will arrive... Ah - if only my script sale were that easy.

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