Tuesday, January 6, 2009

2009 so far...

Has been super non-productive. Like I've been sick and spent black holes of time on the internet studying Chinese medicine and mung bean soup recipes. Our apartment is starting to smell like my childhood neighbor Mr. Linke's house - he drove a VW bug and believed in healthy food and supplements in the 70's. I'll always remember his glass eye and that funky nutrious yeasty smell when you walked in his house. Memories last, but memories with scents last even longer. Mr. Linke was definitely ahead of his time. But, alas, I digress...

Now I have PLENTY of stories I want to tell - of the holidays (especially AJ and Alison's teacher stories, but I could never tell them as well as they do, oh yeah, and my brother's Tivo list - let's just say it's "gynormous"), the crazy girl in all Bebe clothing from my real estate classes who wore a beaded harem sheer scarf over her face to take the state exam (she's Hispanic, not Indian) was a story I meant to tell months ago and I still have roommate stories to finish for a friend of mine, but alas, I am a complete slug.

However, I am not slower than the LA Metro subway building. I lobbied amongst friends to pass Measure R and they can't even get it two stops to La Cienega until 2019! And some work won't be done until 2032 - I'll be a certifiable senior citizen by then! Other cities do it in one decade, not three. Ridiculous!

So I hope my 2009 productivity is in like a sloth and out like a panther!

1 comment:

drewz said...

By the time the subway is done, I'll have teleporter done!