Monday, August 4, 2008

Redneck Stonehenge

Sick of the new rich neighbors complainin' - Utah farmer mounts rusty demo derby cars in the dirt like totems creating his own Redneck Stonehenge.

Good for him!

Country life comes with all kinds of sounds and smells (animals - they're just like us - just without baths or toilets!).

So if you move out of the suburbs to get your acre and a half of land - you gotta share it with the locals. I'm always sad when I see the former farmland of my youth taken up by generic developments. So if it's too pungent for you - feel free to sell your land back to the farmers.

I'll always cherish watching tall rows of corn wave softly back and forth in the breeze while the sun sets on a hot Summer's night. Then the crickets' chorus rises as a starry sky spreads over the countryside. It beats meditation or yoga every time. Ain't nothin' like it - that's fo' sure!

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