Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sword Tales

Got a ceremonial sword hanging on your mantle?  Do you like to joust with friends in the backyard after a long day at your cubicle?  Or do you enjoy playing pirate in the bedroom -letting out a deep, guttural ARGHHHH!!!! as you use the sharp edge of your sword to rip off your wenches corset with a mere flick of the wrist?

Well, think twice - and then twice again - before you brandish that weapon of steel.  Girls and Boys, I (well really my friend, Bruce, a leading pop culture expert) bring you Mr. Tripp Fisk and ... Cautionary Tales of Swords!!!  

1 comment:

drewz said...

Hmmm....I guess I'm convinced not to hang a decorative sword in the home office. Bummer!