Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Vestibular Neuronitis

Now try and say that 3 times fast :)  

That's whats I gots right now and it sucks major!  I am literally off my rocker with a strange virus that causes an inner ear infection on the nerve that lets your brain know if you're upside down or right side up.  I am mainly wobbly - like a weeble, but I might fall down.  

Had a majorly intense vertigo episode in the ENT doctor's office and caused a pile-up for the Botox folks.  It was surreal to be barfing in a wicker wastebasket in the lobby while people were literally lined in the aisles with numbing gel or pulling their hair back for their Botox fix (the ladies room was 3 floors up, whoever designed that medical bldg should be shot!). Those Botox/cosmetic addicts are crazy!  They push their way into the office, pleading for an emergency Botox and collagen appt., forgetting that occasionally ENT doctors service people with real medical issues! 

Do you have any surreal medical experiences?  
Absurb LA moments in the doctor's office like when I saw Shannon Tweed (Mrs. Gene Simmons) fanning her breasts like they were on fire at the dermatologists.  Not sure what kinda rash she had, but I sat far, far away - the germs on her man's wagging tongue alone could wipe out many a population.  

So if you do have some of these medical moments - please tell :) I need some good stories since I'm stuck in the house :)

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