Thursday, January 3, 2008

Searching for Identity (must be catchy and easy to spell)

Identity is tricky. From childhood to high school to "real life" - we brand one another with nicknames and taunts, accolades and insults.  When I was in high school I hated being called a bitch, now it doesn't bother me so much, sometimes I even appreciate it.  Same with slut - ahh, if I really was the slut the junior jock girls branded me then I'd have been an uber cool 30ish single woman, able to fuck around with detached abandon.  But it was not to be, booze fueled escapades morphed into emotional attachment.  Days were wasted recovering from hang-overs in puffy-faced despair lying on my hardwood floors and writing poems drenched in self pity like "I feel like the sad Southern belle, the one Tennessee Williams knew so well..."  Yeah, the reckless whining and rhyming had to stop.  But, I digress.  

Rural City Girl is my blog 'cause I was bred in the rural farming community of Berkey, Ohio (pop. 260).  After college I moved to Chicago (I was tired of people asking me "What are you going to do with your life after you graduate?" and answering "I'm moving to Chicago" quelled the questions).  And then I rode West (in a Dodge Shadow with my dad) to Los Angeles where I've hung my hat for a long spell.  

And - I tell you what - there are plenty of true tall tales in Hollywood, but overall, the ones from Berkey, Ohio rival the best of 'em.  More on those to come.  

In the meantime - I'd like to share my Southern Rural City friend's awesome short film - RETURN OF THE KING.  Raconteur Bruce Bridges is from Los Angeles by way of Mississippi - where the King's forever in bell bottom jumpsuits with sideburns as thick as a raccoon's tail.  You'll find the link in the top Right hand corner - Enjoy!  


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