Monday, September 29, 2008

Walkin' The Dog (aka Walks with Harvey) - Observations from the City Sidewalk

You definitely learn a lot more about your neighborhood and its inhabitants when you have to walk the dog 3 times a day.

My block is decent, but you turn East and hit pockets of sketchiness and go West a couple of blocks and you're in a whole different world with the tony mansions, perfect lawns and gated patio/pool backyards of Hancock Park.

Things observed/overheard last week:

- A true Tree Hugger - an older, thin Korean man humping a palm tree on Irving Blvd in Hancock Park. He was not merely exercising, his arms were wrapped around the tree and he was violently thrusting his groin back and forth against it. I stayed my distance, but couldn't not watch.

- Hulu Hoop Gal - a middle aged Korean woman swiveling her hips in a gated condo driveway at 3rd/Norton. She had no expression as she calmly kept the hulu hoop in play. She was good.

- a chubby 30ish white dude jogging at Pan Pacific Park that Harvey tried to jump on (he has a thing for runners). The dude used the old "what's your dog's name, what's your name, you wanna go for coffee?" routine. Ugh!

- Old people (one in a neck brace) milling about Griffith Observatory before it opened. They were enjoying one another's company and chatting in the parking lot. It wasn't due to open for a couple of hrs - so maybe someone made a mistake or there was a special event.

- The unmistakable sqwacking of someone practicing clarinet.

- Two people on different blocks practicing piano. One singing along. The one without singing was MUCH better!

- The Halfway House people bumming cigarettes and dollars and looking a little scary at the corner (especially this emaciated Michael Jackson looking dude with pearly white dentures). He greets you with a wide smile when you see him, but there is something really off about him. It's so strong you can feel it just by looking at him. Poor guy.

- The classic cat/dog chase. Had to pull Harvey back from joining in.

Stay tuned for next week's adventures...

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