Friday, July 18, 2008

Testing the Market

My real estate agent encouraged me to become an agent so I thought "what the hell" and recently enrolled in classes. We're mainly learning how to pass the licensing test and it's interesting how the mini-mogul dreamers in the real estate world parallel the wanna-be's in the Hollywood world.

There is, of course, "The Stunning One," ie - the actress type.

But not the type that's serious about learning her craft, the "just discover me already" type who is obsessively well put together. Tanned, flawless skin. Designer couture. Buffed to a shine porsche. Just the right amount of knock-out, all real cleavage.
I'm absolutely positive bachelor dudes will hire her just to be close (and to get a shot at getting off her Versace dress).

However, she's not the sharpest tool in the shed. And that makes me happy ;)

There's also "The Dudes." Shlubby with an obtuse, but straight-forward look at things. They bond quickly and travel in packs. They're buds with "Chandler" - an easy-going guy who's a spitting image of our former "Friend."

Then there's the "Over-Achiever" - she proclaimed a couple of times how she just graduated. We all thought she was talking about college. Turns out she's 18 and just graduated high school.

And I try to avoid "The Chatty Cathy's." They are low-rent versions of "The Stunning One" - they wear designer knock-offs with tanned a decade too long skin. They talk non-stop during the class and it's super annoying. One just doesn't get it most the time and the other one has to explain everything ad nauseam. Maybe if they just LISTENED it would help. They stake out the chain restaurants at lunch, not daring to risk going to the cool Japanese fare in the area. They're probably from Orange County.

I made a new friend too. A Korean woman who grew up in Sacramento, but whose parents pushed her into an arranged marriage. We were all stunned that still happened. She was teaching English in Japan when her dad called and told her she had to come back to California to get married. She wanted a picture and thought he looked too old. Her dad said he was a dentist so she thought, "well, at least my teeth will get fixed." They set a wedding date and then corresponded (turns out he was a chiropractor so then she thought, "at least my bones will get cracked.") and on her way back to Sacramento, she secretly stopped in LA to meet her fiance. They got along okay so they went through with the marriage. She found out on their wedding day that he was actually 2 years younger than her and complained to her dad - "you know I don't like younger men!"

The first year was nice, dating and getting to know each other. And then in the second year, when they knew each other, they argued a lot. Now they have two kids and are fine - if not ecstatic - about one another.

Maybe it's not so different from regular relationships. But Korean culture frowns on divorce so guess they're kinda stuck. Good or bad - they have to make the best of it. In LA, that might be a lost art.

Okay, that wasn't a funny ending - so go drink and be merry! It's Friday!

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