Monday, March 10, 2008

Ahh - Hypocrisy...

It strikes again! I really did think Elliot Spitzer was the new Eliot Ness. But, alas, the thrill of danger and the lure of high priced sex in a stately and stuffy D.C. hotel room was too much to resist. Check out the legal details, along with the obviously guilty Spitzer's almost cartoonish - "I'm in deep shit of my own making" face here -

The hypocrisy is pure American tragicomedy, but I do feel bad for his wife and 3 daughters. His wife stood closely at his side as he spoke. Elegantly composed, she looked only at him, his notes and mainly at the ground. Her sad strength added a human element to yet another smarmy water cooler tale - the formerly righteous crusader's sins are now exposed for all.   

1 comment:

drewz said...

All that AND he's a super delegate!